App for Instagram with DM-Instagram 移动应用版 Chrome 插件

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App for Instagram with DM 插件简介

Instagram移动应用版Chrome插件,也称为Instagram with DM,它可以让用户在Chrome浏览器上使用Instagram移动应用的所有功能,包括发送和接收直接信息。它为用户提供了在Chrome浏览器上使用Instagram移动应用的所有功能,包括发送和接收直接信息。无论是在工作中还是在日常生活中,用户都可以更加方便快捷地使用Instagram。

App for Instagram with DM 插件功能:

2.发送和接收直接信息:Instagram with DM还允许用户在Chrome浏览器上发送和接收直接信息,使用户可以更轻松地与其粉丝和朋友进行交流。
3.快速和方便:与在手机上使用Instagram相比,使用Instagram with DM可以更加快速和方便地使用Instagram,因为用户可以直接在Chrome浏览器中打开Instagram,无需切换到手机上。
4.免费:Instagram with DM是完全免费的,用户可以在Chrome网上应用商店中免费下载和安装它。

App for Instagram with DM-Instagram 移动应用版 Chrome 插件

App for Instagram with DM 插件描述:

应用大小:0.33 MiB
版本:v 1.9.1

App for Instagram with DM 插件下载:


App for Instagram with DM 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

App for Instagram with DM 插件原文介绍

+ Direct!

The world-famous photo | video sharing and editing service, application, and social network is finally available for Chrome Browser! App for Instagram is a Chrome add-on, which tweaks the Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like a mobile app. Launch the app with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of Instagram mobile app on your desktop!

Important Note: App for Instagram does NOT belong or related to the official Instagram application/website in any ways. It is an unofficial app that is developed and maintained independently. The official software is only released for smartphones and the web. This unofficial app (browser add-on) is a wrapper to the original Instagram web application and tries to make it usable as a browser plug-in. All the guidelines for Instagram's assets and branding use can be found here

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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月25日 11:55:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:
  • App for Instagram with DM
  • Instagram 移动应用版