Britannica School Insights插件,提供高质量教育资源的强大工具

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在当前的信息时代,学生们需要获取准确、可靠的资料来帮助他们完成学习任务。为了满足这一需求,Britannica School Insights插件应运而生。这个插件是由世界知名的百科全书公司Britannica提供的一项服务,旨在为学生提供高质量的教育资料和独具见解的洞察力。

Britannica School Insights插件是一种在学校和教育机构中使用的在线资源。它的安装非常简单,只需将插件添加到学生们的浏览器中即可。一旦安装完成,学生们就能够立即访问到Britannica School Insights的各项服务和功能。

首先,Britannica School Insights插件提供了丰富多样的学术资料,涵盖了各个学科和主题。从历史到科学,从文学到艺术,学生们可以借助插件迅速找到他们需要的信息。这些资料都经过Britannica专家团队的仔细编辑和审查,确保其准确性和可信度。

其次,Britannica School Insights插件具备功能强大的搜索引擎。学生们可以通过输入关键词或问题,快速找到相关的条目和文章。这个搜索引擎不仅可以提供基本的概述信息,还会为用户呈现更深入的内容,帮助学生们更好地理解和掌握知识。此外,学生们还可以使用插件内置的词典和百科全书索引,进一步扩展他们的学习范围。

Britannica School Insights插件,提供高质量教育资源的强大工具

另外,Britannica School Insights插件还为学生们提供了一个交互式的学习环境。学生们可以在插件中进行互动的阅读、学习和评估。他们可以撰写笔记、划重点、标签书签,以便将来更好地回顾和使用所得到的知识。此外,学生们还可以参与在线讨论、解决问题、完成作业等活动,与其他学生和教师进行交流和合作。

总之,Britannica School Insights插件是一个为学生们提供高质量教育资源的强大工具。它的丰富资料、强大搜索引擎和互动学习环境,使学生们能够更轻松地找到、理解和应用所需的知识。通过与专业团队的合作和交流,Britannica School Insights插件将帮助学生们在各个学科中取得更好的成绩,提升他们的学习效果和能力。无论是在课堂上还是在独立学习中,这个插件都将成为学生们不可或缺的帮手。

Britannica School Insights 插件描述:

应用大小:131 KiB
版本:v 1.3.0

Britannica School Insights 插件下载:


Britannica School Insights 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Do your students’ Web searches promote digital literacy?
Facts matter and now Britannica School serves them to the top right corner of your students’ Web search results.

Britannica School's free browser extension, Britannica School Insights, changes how students and schools discover by bringing fact-checked information to the top right corner of Web search results pages.

Powered by Britannica School, the extension surfaces quick fact-checked information, along with inquiry pathways that uncover unique relationships, uncommon insights, context, and perspectives around English-language search topics.

-Cut through the Internet noise to research smarter
-Build digital literacy skills by ensuring a fact-checked source appears in parallel with regular search results
-Find quick facts and information, or explore deeper context and connections around search topics
-Trust that your tool will only surface highly relevant search results

Q: How do I start using Britannica School Insights?
Click ‘Add to Chrome’ and continue your usual searches. When Britannica has highly relevant results, the results will populate the top right corner of your search page.

Q: Will Britannica School Insights change what shows up in my search results or what sources I can view?
Your search results stay the same and you’ll still be able to view all of the same resources as before. You’ll just find Britannica School Insights results at the top right corner of your search results when there is relevant Britannica School content to share.

Q: Which search browsers does Britannica School Insights work with?
Britannica School Insights works best with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Q: How is Britannica School Insights able to surface context, connections, and perspectives?
Britannica School Insights uses Encyclopaedia Britannica’s proprietary advanced relationship mapping technology to surface uncommon insights and unique relationships.

Q: Do you track my data or search history?
Britannica Searcher does not handle or collect any personal or sensitive information, nor does it track search data. If you would like more information on the policies of our parent company, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., please view our Privacy Policy:


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年12月4日 11:33:49
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  • Britannica School Insights
  • Britannica School Insights插件
  • 教育资源工具