Movie Finder插件,电影搜索工具

annayy 搜索插件298阅读模式

Movie Finder 插件是一个用于电影搜索和检索的浏览器插件。它可以帮助用户快速找到感兴趣的电影,并提供相关的信息和资源。


1. 电影搜索:用户可以在插件中输入电影的名称、演员名或关键词,以快速搜索相关的电影。

2. 电影信息:一旦找到所需的电影,插件将提供详细的电影信息,包括标题、导演、演员、类型、剧情简介等。

3. 评分和评价:插件将显示电影的评分和评价,以帮助用户了解其他人对该电影的看法。

4. 预告片和片段:如果有可用的预告片或电影片段,插件将提供链接,以便用户可以在插件内部轻松观看。

5. 在线播放:对于一些流行的电影,插件还可以提供在线观看的链接,用户可以直接在插件界面上观看电影。

6. 相关推荐:根据用户搜索的电影,插件还会显示相关的电影推荐,以帮助用户发现新的电影作品。

总之,Movie Finder 插件是一个方便快捷的工具,可以帮助用户在浏览器中轻松搜索和获取电影信息,并提供多种方式观看电影。

Movie Finder插件,电影搜索工具

Movie Finder 插件描述:

应用大小:750 KiB
版本:v 3.0.1

Movie Finder 插件下载:


Movie Finder 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

This extension is a great tool to help you discover movies easily and conveniently. Instead of typing the URL of the site, going to the site, and typing again to look for a movie or a show, our extension provides you with a shortcut to perform a quick search using simple commands directly from your Chrome’s address bar.

Here is how it works after the extension has been added to your Chrome:

Step 1: Go to the address bar and type @; a list of five default movie sites and their respective hotkeys will show up in the autocomplete results.

Step 2: Type the hotkey of the site you want to search on, after the @ symbol. For instance, the command “@imdb” stands for IMDB. Check out the “special features” section below for the full list of hotkeys that you can use.

Step 3: Leave one-character space after the hotkey and type the name of the film or show that you are looking for. For instance, the command will look like “@imdb titanic” if you want to look for “Titanic” on IMDB.

Step 4: Choose one of the autocomplete suggestions and you will be redirected to IMDB’s results page.

Permissions used and reasons:

1. Access to “contextMenus”. We require this permission to customize the drop-down menu of the extension’s browser icon to provide a better user experience.
2. Access to “cookies”. We need this permission in order to provide more user tutorials while you use our extension.
3. Change default search settings to our domain, powered by Yahoo. We require this permission in order to use our private search domain as a placeholder. In this extension, we also support Google and Bing. If you would like to choose a different option, you can do so under ‘Settings’.
4. Access to "storage". We need this permission to save your preference on the client side as a good practice.

Chrome™ is a trademark of Google LLC. The use of it does not imply any affiliation to or endorsement by Google LLC.

Want to remove the extension from your browser? You can open your Chrome browser’s Settings and find our extension on the Extensions page. Click “remove” and it will be completely removed.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年10月16日 10:55:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:
  • 电影搜索工具
  • Movie Finder
  • Movie Finder插件