Secured Web插件,浏览器安全性和隐私保护工具

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Secured Web插件是一款为浏览器提供安全浏览体验的插件。它能够帮助用户识别和阻止恶意网站,并提供额外的隐私保护功能,确保用户在互联网上的安全性和隐私性。
Secured Web 插件功能:
1. 恶意网站阻止:插件会实时扫描和识别恶意网站,并阻止用户访问这些网站。这有助于防止用户误点击或误导导致的安全威胁,保护用户的设备和数据免受恶意软件或钓鱼网站的损害。
2. 网络欺诈警告:当用户访问有可能涉及网络欺诈或钓鱼行为的网站时,插件会弹出警告,提醒用户潜在的风险。这有助于用户保持警惕并避免落入网络诈骗的陷阱。
3. 隐私保护:插件提供了一系列隐私保护功能,如广告和跟踪器的阻止、隐私模式的启用等。这能够让用户在浏览网页时减少被广告和第三方追踪的可能性,提升用户的在线隐私保护水平。
4. 安全搜索:插件为用户提供一个安全搜索引擎,确保搜索结果的安全性。这有助于用户避免访问恶意或有害的网页,同时提供更可靠的搜索结果。
5. 网站评级:插件会为用户提供网站的安全评级,帮助用户判断一个网站的可信度和安全性。用户可以根据评级决定是否访问某个网站,从而降低遭受安全威胁的风险。
总结来说,Secured Web插件是一款强化浏览器安全性和隐私保护的插件。它提供了恶意网站阻止、欺诈警告、隐私保护、安全搜索和网站评级等功能,帮助用户识别和阻止安全威胁,保护用户设备和数据的安全性和隐私性。通过使用Secured Web插件,用户能够更加安心和放心地在互联网上进行浏览和搜索,避免遭受网络攻击和欺诈的风险。
Secured Web插件,浏览器安全性和隐私保护工具
Secured Web 插件描述:
应用大小:0.08 MiB
版本:v 3.0.3
Secured Web 插件下载:
Secured Web 插件安装流程:
(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装
Autocomplete suggestions from the Chrome address bar can be very helpful sometimes for the fast and convenient browse of information. However, not all the website URLs popping up in the autocomplete of your address bar will lead you to a safe and secure destination. In this extension, we integrated WOT’s website rating system to display the SitesRank safety scores of the domains which appear in your autocomplete suggestions. Before you click on any domains, you can view the safety scores and avoid the low-rating sites to keep your browsing secure and safe.
Alternatively, you can also check the safety scores of each domain from inside the extension’s action window. Don’t forget to enter a valid URL (example:
What is WOT? Web of Trust is a website reputation and review service that helps people make informed decisions about whether to trust a website or not. In this extension, we integrate with the WOT API. We are not responsible for their rating scores and cannot guarantee that the scores are 100% accurate.
You can turn on/off the function of SitesRank Scores at any time from the extension’s action window.
Permissions and reasons:
1. Access to “cookies”. We require this permission to remember all the setting changes that you made to provide you the customized experience you desire.
2. Access to “contextMenus”. We require this permission to add more functional items to the drop-down menu from the action icon of this extension to provide you a more complete user experience and to enhance our service.
3. Change your default search engine. We require this permission to change your default search engine to our search domain, powered by Yahoo. We need to change your default search engine in order to provide the functionality of displaying SitesRank Scores from the autocomplete suggestions of your address bar. If you want to use a different option, we also support Bing and Google in this extension. You can make the change from inside the extension’s Settings at any time.
How to remove this extension?
If you want to remove our extension, go to “Settings” on Chrome, and find our extension in the “Extensions” tab. Click “remove”. Alternatively, you can right-click on the extension’s icon on your browser and select “Uninstall” from the drop-down menu.
Chrome™ is a trademark of Google LLC. The use of them does not imply any affiliation to or endorsement by Google LLC.
By adding this extension to your Chrome browser, you accept and agree to our Privacy Policy and End-User License Agreement.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年10月14日 11:53:25
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  • Secured Web
  • Secured Web插件
  • 浏览器安全性和隐私保护工具