字幕精灵 – 实时语音识别、AI字幕翻译

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字幕精灵 – 实时语音识别、AI字幕翻译




1 、想要学习国际前沿的技术提升自我,却苦于听不懂外语视频教程 / 资料?

2 、终于等来了心爱产品的发布会,可惜没有中文字幕?

3 、苦苦等到美剧、国外综艺、日漫更新,还要等中文字幕版?

Do you find it annoying?
1. You want to learn international cutting-edge technology to enhance yourself, but suffer from understanding video tutorials/materials in foreign languages.
2. You wait for so long to finally watch video of the launch event of your favorite products, but there is no subtitle in Chinese.
3. You also wait so long for the updates of American drama, foreign variety shows, and Japanese animations, but still need to wait for subtitles in Chinese.
以上烦恼,字幕精灵 -AI 字幕翻译插件都能帮您解决!
The NewTranx Subtitler — AI subtitle translator plugin can help you solve all the annoyances above!

The NewTranx Subtitler, by NewTranx Tech, can realize the real-time speech recognize, and automatically translate it into bilingual subtitles, export subtitles and audio, and support online editing of subtitle text.

借助先进的语音识别和 AI 翻译技术,无论是听演讲、看课程,还是追剧、听歌,字幕精灵都能快速识别、翻译,并自动生成字幕,让您无惧外语,不再不知所云。
With advanced speech recognition and AI translation technology, the NewTranx Subtitler can quickly complete the recognition & translation, and automatically generate the corresponding subtitles. Whether you are listening to lectures, watching courses or dramas, or listening to songs, you will not have a fear of understanding foreign languages or feeling confused.


Instructions for Use:

1 、支持哪些语言?

支持全球 140 种语言 / 方言的识别和翻译。

1. Which languages are supported?
Supports recognition and translation of 140 languages/dialects around the world.

2 、如何设置识别和翻译语言?


另外,您可使用智能识别,自动识别视频的语言。您可指定智能识别的语言范围,最多可设置 5 种语言。

2. How can the user set up the recognition and translation of languages?
English is the default language of speech recognition. If your current video is in another language, you can alter the source language in the subtitle window.You can set up the target language, which is to be translated, in the subtitle window.
In addition, you can use smart recognition to automatically identify the language of the video. You can specify the language range for intelligent recognition and set up to 5 languages.

3 、是否可以导出字幕和音频?

支持。可以导出当前字幕窗口中已经识别翻译的文本,也可以查看历史字幕并导出字幕和音频。字幕文本支持导出为 TXT 或 SRT 格式,音频为 MP3 格式。前提是,您需要进入个人中心页,手动开启“自动存储字幕”开关。

3. Can the user be able to export subtitles and audio?
Supports exporting the text that has been recognized and translated in the current subtitle window, or you can view historical subtitles and export subtitles and audio. Subtitle text supports exporting to TXT or SRT format, and audio to MP3 format. The premise is that you need to enter the personal center page and manually turn on the "Automatically save subtitles" switch.

4 、是否可以设置单双语字幕?


4. Can the user be able to choose the monolingual or bilingual subtitles?
Yes, we regard bilingual subtitles as the default subtitle, but you can select “source language” or “translation” in the subtitle window or user center.

5 、是否支持显示风格的设置?


5. Can the user set up the display style?
It supports three preset display styles, which can be switched as needed. You can also use custom display styles to set your favorite font size and color, stroke color, background color, and background color.

6 、关于使用费用?


6. About the usage fee?
The NewTranx Subtitler includes an in-product purchase. After the new user installs and logs in the plug-in, he can get a certain amount of free usage. After the free amount is exhausted, he needs to pay to purchase the amount before continuing to use it.

If you have any problem or suggestion for use, please contact us: service@newtranx.com.

字幕精灵 - 实时语音识别、AI字幕翻译插件描述:

应用大小:8.06 MiB

字幕精灵 - 实时语音识别、AI字幕翻译插件下载:


字幕精灵 - 实时语音识别、AI字幕翻译插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装



  • 本文由 发表于 2024年3月27日 11:00:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.chromekz.com/productivity/5096.html
  • 字幕精灵
  • AI字幕翻译插件
  • 实时语音识别插件