Video Speed Controller插件,网页视频播放速度控制器

annayy 生产工具插件1,020阅读模式

Video Speed Controller 插件简介

Video Speed Controller是一款Chrome浏览器插件,它的主要功能是可以控制网页视频的播放速度。具体来说,它可以将视频的播放速度调节为任意数字,包括加速或减慢视频播放速度,从而帮助用户更好地适应视频的节奏。此外,该插件还有其他功能,如自定义快捷键、调整音量等。它可以应用于各种网站的视频,包括YouTube、Netflix、Vimeo等。

Video Speed Controller 插件描述:

应用大小:60.23 KiB
版本:v 0.7.1

Video Speed Controller 插件下载:


Video Speed Controller插件,网页视频播放速度控制器

Video Speed Controller 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Video Speed Controller 插件原文介绍

HTML5 video provides native APIs to accelerate playback of any video, but most implemented players either hide or limit this functionality. This extension fixes that, plus more...

It will help you optimize your video viewing by allowing you to make quick playback speed adjustments, as well as rewind the video to hear the last few second one more time. We don't read at a constant speed, and we talk much slower than we read - there is no reason why we have to listen at a constant speed and at a (very) slow rate.

Once the extension is installed simply navigate to any page that offers HTML5 video, and you'll see a speed indicator in top left corner of the video player. Hover over the indicator to reveal the controls to accelerate, slowdown, or rewind the video (10 seconds + lowers playback speed). Or, even better, use your keyboard:

- S - decrease playback speed.
- D - increase playback speed.
- R - reset playback speed.
- Z - rewind video by 10 seconds.
- X - advance video by 10 seconds.
- V - show/hide controller.

If you prefer other shortcuts, want to change the increment value, or want the player to remember your playback speed in the future, head into the settings page and customize it to your heart's content.



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