Double Click Closes Tab-双击关闭浏览器标签页

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Double Click Closes Tab 插件介绍

Double Click Closes Tab 插件是一款用于 Chrome 浏览器、能够帮助用户直接用鼠标双击就可以关闭浏览器标签页的工具。当用户在网上冲浪时,需要关闭多个标签页时,用户不再需要频繁地点击浏览器标签页上的关闭按钮。大家可以利用鼠标对当前网页的任何位置进行双击后便可以迅速将当前页面关闭。如此一来,能够为用户节约更多的时间。

Double Click Closes Tab 插件开发背景

大名鼎鼎的 Chrome 浏览器,想必无人不知无人不晓。尽管这款浏览器十分好用,但它并没有为用户提供双击关闭标签页的功能。当大家打开大量的网页之后,想要将它们全部关闭,就需要直接关闭整个浏览器。若想要关闭单个标签页,就需要点击选项卡上的按钮。

有的时候,大家打开的标签页一旦过多,可能连标题的内容都将看不到,虽然可以直接使用快捷键【 Ctrl+W】 ,但也还是需要我们一个一个的点击,关闭不想要的标签页。这样关闭标签页还是比较麻烦,若安装Double Click Closes Tab 插件,就可以直接双击网页的任意位置将标签页,大家再也不用为关闭标签页感到烦忧。

Double Click Closes Tab-双击关闭浏览器标签页

Double Click Closes Tab 插件功能介绍

作为一款十分实用的能够双击关闭标签页的插件,Double Click Closes Tab 插件支持双击左键或双击网页内的任意位置对标签页进行关闭。该软件适用于谷歌浏览器内核,能够让用户轻松扩张自己的浏览器功能。

值得注意的是,不是双击选项卡,而是双击网页的空白处。双击鼠标左键后,当前页面将会自动进行关闭,直接显示后一个标签页。若不小心关闭想要继续浏览的网页,用户也可以选择双击时按 Shift 键重新打开。同时,大家还可以在设置中将其更改为 “三次单击” 或 “右键双击”。



Double Click Closes Tab 插件使用方法


如果有条件,可以直接在谷歌 Chrome 商店下载安装。如果无法访问 Chrome 商店,请在Chrome扩展网下载Double Click Closes Tab 插件的安装包,解压后将 crx 文件安装到你的谷歌浏览器上。


安装Double Click Closes Tab 插件以后,想要关闭标签页时,大家可以直接点击浏览器上方工具栏中的插件图标对当前网页进行关闭。更为简单的方式是,在想要关闭网页内,直接利用鼠标在网页的空白处双击左键或双击网页内的任意位置对标签页进行关闭。

当然,大家还可以点击浏览器上方工具栏中的【选项】按钮,对Double Click Closes Tab 插件的关闭或重新打开标签使用、恢复关闭网页快捷键、单击或按住 Ctrl 键单击链接时恢复浏览器行为等功能进行设置。

Double Click Closes Tab 插件描述:

应用大小:28.6 KiB
版本:v 1.0.9

Double Click Closes Tab 插件下载:


Double Click Closes Tab 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Double Click Closes Tab 插件原文介绍

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: After installation, double click on the WEB PAGE (NOT TAB!) to close the tab (OR to be safer: change the options to use double right click or triple left click on page) - it's actually faster than clicking on tabs. details see below.

To those wanting "double click on tab to close" - Google now made its own extension to do that and more. It uses a plugin mechanism that uses compiled binary code and presents a security risk unless you're sure you can trust the author (of course coming from Google it's likely fine). Without using such mechanism, Chrome extensions cannot receive tab events. Google's extension is called Chrome Toolbox. As for the guy asking me why ChromePlus could do it - answer's simple, ChromePlus is NOT Chrome. It has extra binary code too, and it's not from Google.

To those wanting "double right click" - Chrome now fixed their silly issue that prevented this feature, and I put it in DCCT v1.0.8. Please download & enjoy!

This extension offers the following functionalities:
1. Double left click or double right click anywhere inside web page to close the tab (faster than middle click on tab and beats ctrl-w when your left hand's holding a phone or food). Important: if you double left click to select a word, DCCT will not close the tab - no interference with Google Dictionary etc. Double right click always closes tab.
2. An icon that, when clicked, closes current tab. Option's provided to change to duplicate current tab when icon's clicked or hide the icon altogether.
3. No accidental closing of Chrome - option provided to disable closing the last tab of the last Chrome window (Note: click the "x" on top right corner of the last window to close Chrome).
4. A feature by user request (optional): Revert the browser behavior when one clicks or ctrl+clicks on a link - clicking link would open link in new background tab instead, while ctrl+click opens link in current tab.

1. If double click is not ideal for you, use the Options page to switch to Triple Clicks. Note: Unlike double-click, triple-click will close the tab even if you triple-clicked on a word.
2. If you accidentally closed a tab - use shift-key + double-click (or triple-click if chosen) to reopen the tab.
3. The icon shows red checkmark if Chrome disabled ALL mouse/keyboard-interacting extensions. A green checkmark's displayed otherwise.
4. Mouseover icon will give you some tips/info.

Known issues:
1. Reverting click/ctrl-click has problems with links with javascripts (on themselves or their parents) - e.g., yahoo mail. It's a very tricky issue and I haven't found a way to deal with it. Maybe a blacklist?
2. If the "do not close last tab" feature seems to be unstable for you, try this first - Go to Chrome "Options"->"Basics" and change "Home Page" from "New Tab" to "". Then "OK" then try to close the last tab again. It should hopefully


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  • Double Click Closes Tab 插件
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