Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App-语法检查插件

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Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App 的使用方法详解和教程

Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App 描述:


扩展大小:36.53 MiB


版本:v 14.1071.0

Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App 插件简介:

Grammarly 是一款英文写作的语法检查插件,适用于谷歌文档、Gmail、YouTube、推特、领英、Instagram、脸书(Facebook)等等网站!使用Grammarly 可以做拼写检查、语法检查、标点检查,并且给你一些建议。

Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App-语法检查插件
Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App插件下载方法/流程:


Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App插件原文介绍

Improve your writing with Grammarly's communication assistance—including spell check, grammar check, punctuation check, and more.

Grammarly for Chrome offers real-time suggestions to help you write your best online, no matter what you’re working on in your browser.

With comprehensive feedback on spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, and writing style, Grammarly is more than just a proofreader. It’s a tool that helps you write with confidence, find the best words to express yourself, and communicate your ideas with ease.

➤ How it works
Grammarly analyzes your sentences as you write and adds color-coded underlines to words and phrases where you can improve your writing. You can apply Grammarly’s suggestion with a single click, or expand the suggestion to learn more about it.

➤ Go beyond grammar
Grammarly’s advanced spelling checker and grammar checker go far beyond the built-in tools of word processors. Grammarly can detect not only misspellings, but also commonly confused words used in the wrong context, like “affect” and “effect.” In addition, it can flag and fix complex grammar and punctuation issues like sentence fragments, comma splices, and subject-verb disagreement.

But great writing is about much more than just grammar and spelling. That’s why Grammarly also helps you streamline wordy phrases and rewrite sentences that are likely to confuse readers. It also suggests word choice improvements to help keep readers engaged, and helps you adjust your tone to ensure you come across the way you intend.

➤ What’s included?

~ Free
The free version of Grammarly includes basic writing suggestions designed to help you produce clean, mistake-free writing.
• Grammar checker
• Spelling checker
• Punctuation checker
• Tone detector

~ Premium
Grammarly Premium includes everything available for free, plus an expanded range of writing feedback designed to help you produce high-quality writing that makes an impact.
• Clarity-focused sentence rewrites
• Tone adjustments
• Vocabulary improvements (word choice, formality level)
• Fluency suggestions
• Additional advanced suggestions

➤ Works where you write
Grammarly is designed to work seamlessly in your browser—no copying or pasting required. Use it in Google Docs, email clients, social media, and across the web. Grammarly for Chrome works across:
• Google Docs
• Gmail
• YouTube
• Twitter
• Linkedin
• Instagram
• Facebook
• And more!

➤ Trusted by millions of users
“Grammarly ensures your messages are professional and grammatically correct by offering spell-checking, tone suggestions, and even vocabulary hints.” —Forbes

“It’s the go-to service for fixing grammar, punctuation, and awkward sentences for professionals, college students, and people who write for a living—which is pretty much everyone, even if you don't think of yourself as a writer.” —Inc

“Unlike basic spell checkers, Grammarly is a complete writing assistant app. It’s wonderful for anyone who needs help writing.” —PC Mag

➤ Get Grammarly on your desktop
Want to use Grammarly outside of your browser, in apps like Word, Outlook, and Slack? Try Grammarly for Windows or Grammarly for Mac, now available for download from


We value the trust our customers put in us to keep their information safe and secure. Read our Trust page ( to learn more about our user-first approach to privacy and security.

By installing the extension, you agree to Grammarly’s Terms and Conditions ( and acknowledge that you have read Grammarly's Privacy Policy ( California residents, please see the California Privacy Notice (

Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App插件下载


Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App插件下载地址



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  • 语法检查插件